League Calendar
All weekday matches are at 7pm
Be added to our email list to be up to date on all our leagues. Email Terina at evtaleaguecoordinator@gmail.com to be added.
Come Back to Tennis!
One FREE league season for anyone who is returning to EVTA
that has not played since 2022.
Your only fee will be the $3.15 tennislink fee.
Email evtaleaguecoordinator@gmail.com to sign uo
Registration - March 14th - May 16th
Play start 4/28
3 individual doubles matches
one doubles match at each of the three levels
Monday - 2.5/3.0/3.5 Men's & Ladies(18+)
Tuesday - 3.0/3.5/4.0 Men's & Ladies(18+)
Thursday - 3.5/4.0/4.5 Men's & Ladies(18+)
If interested in 40+ League email Terina.
Please let Terina know at evtaleaguecoordinator@gmail.com if you are interested in playing or creating a team for any of these leagues.
June 16th - July 21th
Registration - May 15th to July 15th

Low 4.0 Players - 2024
Last First Middle Gender City State
Adams Kim F Calhoun GA
Bone Debbie F Calhoun GA
Briggs Bettina F Calhoun GA
Gambill Michelle F Cartersville GA
Haberer Traci F Dallas GA
Hall Jan F Kingston GA
Hayes Heather F Cartersville GA
Hipp Carmon F Chatsworth GA
Kendrick Kimsey F Rome GA
Kramer Robine F Rome GA
Logan Cindy F Rome GA
Mathis Liz F Rome GA
McQuay Mandy F RYDAL GA
Reynolds Beth F Kennesaw GA
Smith Tracy F Calhoun GA
Stewart Samantha F Calhoun GA
Whitehurst Terri F White GA
Chang Raymond M Calhoun GA
Cheriyampurathu Joseph M Rome GA
Nance Jeff M Rom GA
Novis Peter M Acworth GA
Pierce Andrew M ROME GA
Smith Chris M Calhoun GA
Vick Michael M Marietta GA